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Diskussion:Avraham Mosche Dunner

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Rabbi Avraham Moshe (Aba) Dunner, the longtime executive director of the Conference of European Rabbis and a leading figure in European Jewry, has died.

Dunner, who was born in what was then Konigsberg, Germany, and is now Kaliningrad, Russia, died July 17 at his home in London at the age of 74, the Conference of European Rabbis said in a statement. He had been seriously ill since shortly after Passover.

Dunner was one of the most prominent activists for the cause of Orthodox Judaism in Europe. His father had been the head of the Orthodox Beis Din in the United Kingdom.

“Rav Aba was at the heart of the building and strengthening of Jewish institutions in Europe for over 20 years,” the conference statement said.

Dunner was a founder of Lo-Tishkach, an organization dedicated to creating a database of Jewish cemeteries in Europe. His “commitment to the preservation of Jewish heritage in Europe [was] an inspiration and guiding light for all of us,” Lo-Tishkach said in a statement.