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Dankesbrief Yoav Gad aus Israel, 26. Februar 2021

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Dankesbrief von Yoav Gad aus Israel, 26. Februar 2021:

(eingegangen am 4. März 2021)


Attn. Publisher and Chief Editor

Dr. Michael Kühntopf


Dear Dr. Kühntopf, shalom.

On behalf of the voluntary group

"The Hachsharot HeChalutz in Germany - Dor Hemshech"

("The Zionist Pioneer Training Groups in Germany - The Following Generations")

consisting of children and grandchildren of Shoa survivors

who spent some part of their lives

before their deportation to Nazi concentration camps

in Hachshara locations in

Ahrensdorf and Neuendorf

I want to convey to you our deep gratitude

for your professional assistance

and for your help in our efforts

to commemorate the heritage of our parents, grandparents and our other relatives.

It is a privilege to cooperate with you and to enjoy your profound historical knowledge

and your energetic contribution

to collect, preserve and publicly present documents and media about persons and events during the Shoa.

We appreciate very much your initiative with the user friendly JEWIKI.NET platform, which opens

for us the gates to peoples minds

and hearts concerning the impact

of the Shoa on individual persons and families.

With your help we contribute together to illuminate tragic events

from a dark era in human history.

We fully share your understanding

that the factual information must be true and the educational message

for the young generation should be

clear and accessible by up to date means of modern online communication media.

Wishing you good health

and success with your important

JEWIKI.NET project

and looking forward to continue our joint efforts,

with best regards from Israel

Lt. Col. res. Yoav Gad

Founder and Coordinator of

"The Hachsharot HeChalutz in Germany - Dor Hemshech"

Son of Herbert and Aliza Growald.


Antwort Michael Kühntopf