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Michael Kühntopf an Yoav Gad, 4. März 2021

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Michael Kühntopf an Yoav Gad, 4. März 2021:

Dear Mr. Gad

I cannot tell you how pleased I was to receive your appreciative letter of thanks.

For decades I have been involved with the Jewish people in all the places where I can be effective. And now for almost ten years with the help of Jewiki.

Historical memory and documentation of what has been is infinitely important. The danger is great and growing, not only that the memory will fade, but that even the facts will be disputed and denied.

This concerns first of all the gigantic and historically unique injustice that has happened to Jews at all times and in all places, not only, but especially during the Shoah.

To irrefutably point this out and to remember it should be and should remain the first duty of every citizen.

I take great pleasure in working on Jewiki. Unfortunately, however, there are very few people who are similarly committed and feel called upon to cooperate, so that I do not know for sure what will become of Jewiki in the long run.

For myself, however, I can say that I have fulfilled my mission and my life has not been complete worthless and in vain.

In expressing once again my great joy and thanking you for your communication, I wish you, your family, your friends and the entire Jewish people a time of light, health, well-being and all the best for now and all the future.

Yours faithfully Michael Kühntopf