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Diskussion:Baruch Graubard

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BOREKH GROYBARD (BARUCH GRAUBARD) (September 17, 1900-1976)

He was born in Skole, eastern Galicia. He graduated from the Universities of Lemberg and Vienna. Between 1923 and 1939, he worked as a teacher in the Polish Jewish high schools in Konin, Będzin, and Sosnowiec, as well as director of a high school in Kielce. During the Nazi occupation he was with his family on the Aryan side of Cracow. After liberation, he was director of the cultural office at the “Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the Western Zone of Germany,” and from 1951 he was a lecturer in Jewish scholarship at Marburg University and a member of the “Central Council of Jews in Germany.” He wrote for the Yiddish press of survivors. Over the years 1945-1951, he published articles and feature pieces in Morgn (Morning), Bafrayung (Liberation), Nayvelt (New world), Undzer veg (Our way), Undzer haynt (Our today), and Yidishe tsaytung (Jewish newspaper)—all in Munich, Germany. He was co-editor of the literary journal Hamshekh (Continuation) in Munich. He was the author of the pamphlet of features: Geven a sheyres-hapleyte, notits-bukh fun moyshe yosln (I was a survivor, notice book of Moyshe Yosl) (Munich, 1949), 112 pp. This was the sole booklet in Yiddish concerning the community relations of the Jews from the concentration camps in West Germany after liberation. He was living in Munich, Germany.